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2019.11.2 Rally Gallery 2019.11.2集會視頻

Assembly Title :  Stand with Hong Kong; 112 Emergency Call for  HK Autonomy

The Rally was held on November 2, 2019 at Vancouver Public Library, North Plaza,  Library Square round 2 pm. The purpose of the rally was to deliver a strong message to international communities for rallying their assistance for Hongkongers in their fight for true autonomy. 

112 is an international emergency phone number. The focuses of the "112 Rally" are to call for international communities' grave concerns to the movement in Hong Kong (the movement) which has been lasting for more than 4 months, and to introduce a local law to secure and uphold human rights, democracy and autonomy for Hongkongers, similar to that being enacted by US parliament.


11.2 集會在 2019年11月2日下午2時 , 溫哥華市中心公眾圖書館廣場舉行, 藉此向國際社會發出求援訊息,協助香港人爭取真正自治。

112是國際求援電話號碼。 112集會重點是呼籲國際社會,關注香港持續四個多月的抗爭運動(運動),參照美國國會相關做法,制定類似的香港民主及人權法案,以促進和捍衛香港人應有的人權、民主和自治權。

11.2 Rally Video 11.2集會 視頻

Global News 2019.11.02 TV news 6 pm

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