Communist China Has No Place in our Municipalities
Date: Wednesday, Sept 25, 2019
Time: 6 pm
Place: Outside the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel
900 Canada Place, downtown Vancouver
Action: “Say No to China Money” rally - to send a strong message to the local politicians in BC that Communist China has no place in our municipalities
Organizers: Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement (VSSDM)
Canadian Friends of Hong Kong (CFHK)
Since 2012, the Chinese Consulate-General in Vancouver has been hosting our local elected officials to wine and dine behind closed doors at the annual convention of the Union of BC Municipalities. The reception this year will be held on Wednesday, Sept 25, 2019 at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel. VSSDM & CFHK will hold a rally outside the reception venue to send a strong message to our local politicians demanding them to stop this cash-for-access practice.
The representative of a foreign state hostile to Canadian interests and at odds with Canadian values has absolutely no place in our municipalities. The Communist regime in China has been singled out by Canadian intelligence officials to be among the most aggressive in influencing our elected officials and interfering in our public policies. The arrest of Cameron Ortis of the RCMP last week is another wake up call for Canadians that we have to be vigilant about such influence buying scheme by a foreign state. It is in effect a mind trap with the goal of softening the political will and democratic principles of our elected officials.
In June this year, Mayor Brad West of Port Coquitlam has set off the alarm bell by urging the UBCM executives to cancel the China-funded reception and to return the $6,000 sponsorship money. However, his demand has fallen on deaf ears.
It is now up to us, residents of municipalities around BC, to speak up. We have to send a strong message to our local politicians, loud and clear, that Canadians are saying NO to the money from an authoritarian regime that suppresses freedom, violates the rule of law and tramples on fundamental human rights.
Mayor Brad West has kindly agreed to attend and speak at the rally.
Please come out to join us on Wednesday, September 25, we need your support!
日期: 2019年9月25日,星期三 時間:下午6點
地點: 溫哥華市中心 ,900 加拿大館, 費爾蒙特海濱酒店門外
Outside Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, 900 Canada Place, downtown Vancouver
行動: 向中國政府金錢說「不」集會 - 向卑詩省各市政官員傳達強烈的訊息,我們的市政府不能被中共政府滲透。
主辦單位: 溫哥華支援民主運動聯合會(VSSDM)和加拿大香港之友(CFHK)
從2012年開始,中國駐溫哥華總領事館一直在卑詩省城市聯合會年度大會中,以醇酒美食閉門 款待各市級民選官員。今年的招待會將於2019年9月25日星期三在費爾蒙特海濱酒店(Fairmont Waterfront Hotel)舉行。「溫哥華支援民主運動聯合會」 和「加拿大香港之友」將在酒店場外 集會,向政界人士發出強烈的訊息,敦促他們杯葛中共以金錢收買影響力的活動。
我們堅持,敵視加拿大利益和價值的外國政府代表,不應在我們的市政府內佔有任何地位以圖影 响政府政策。加拿大情報官員特別指出,中共政府一直竭力影响我們的民選官員和干擾我們的公 共政策,而且是滲透加拿大最為厲害的外國政府。聯邦政府上週逮捕加拿大皇家騎警的首席顧問 Cameron Ortis就是一個強烈警號,我們必須警惕外國政府利用金錢收買影響力。實際上,醇酒美 食的款待是一種統戰手段,這種攻心術的目的是軟化民選官員的政治立場和民主原則。
今年六月,高貴林港市長Brad West 已敲響警鐘,敦促卑詩省城市聯合會取消這個中國領事館出 資的醇酒美食招待會,並退回$ 6000贊助金。但是,他的要求卻被置若罔闻。
卑詩省各市的居民此刻一定要出來發聲。我們必須向各市級官員傳遞清晰和強烈的訊息:加拿大 人拒絕接受壓制自由、違反法治和踐踏基本人權的獨裁政權的金錢和利益。
高貴林港市長 Brad West已同意參加向中國政府金錢說「不」集會並將發表講話。