如希望VSSDM代收捐款, 方法: e-transfer 及支票.
INTERAC e-Transfer
您可以從加拿大銀行的網上銀行進行資金轉帳。 轉移至收件人的電子郵件地址: vssdm2009@gmail.com
應付給“ VSSDM”的支票或匯票可以發送到以下地址:
P.O. Box 60283,Fraser Retail Post Office,Vancouver,BC V5W 4B5 Canada
***注明: 網絡天安門大屠殺紀念館
Since its establishment in Hong Kong in 2012, the June 4th Museum has again and again suffered pressure and harassment. Today when National Security Law has been imposed to the people of Hong Kong, the preservation of precious historical archives and relics faces many difficulties. The museum is having a crowdfunding campaign to build a permanent museum of human rights memory for the 1989 democratic movement to be available on the Internet.
The goal is to raise HK$1.5 million by August 2 otherwise the project will be dissolved and your pledge refunded. By now the goal is almost half-completed. We urge you to take immediate action donating into the project to make it a reality, or we risk history being rewritten some time later.
Crowdfunding Page
Crowdfunding platform is a US company. However, if you have concerns making donation directly, VSSDM is pleased to collect the donation from you. We'll pass all collected donations into the fund under the name "A group of Vancouverites”
to keep donors completely disconnected from the fundraising project. For questions about VSSDM collecting donations, please send email to us at vssdm2009@gmail.com
If you want VSSDM to collect your donation:
INTERAC e-Transfer
You can make fund transfer from within online banking of a Canadian bank. Transfer is made to recipient's email address: vssdm2009@gmail.com
By Cheque
Cheque or money order payable to "VSSDM" can be sent to the address below:
P.O. Box 60283, Fraser Retail Post Office, Vancouver, BC V5W 4B5 Canada
***WITH A NOTE SAYING :Online Tiananmen Massacre Memorial Museum
July 1 Vancouver March and Rally video