6 minutes walk from Yaletown-Roundhouse Skytrain Station (Canada Line)
Meet You on June 4 at David Lam Park
約定你: 六四晚會林思⿑公園⾒
June 4 (Sunday) Candlelight Vigil 燭光悼念晚會
David Lam Park, 1300 Pacific Blvd, Vancouver
4:00 pm Exhibition
6:00 pm Live Music
7:00 pm Candlelight Vigil
*There are small amount of candles provided, please bring your own. (⼤會有⼩量爉燭供應,請⾃備爉燭) **Bring your Mat (可帶地蓆) / lawn chair
***Dress for the weather (根據天氣著衫)
****Please bring your garbage home (為了減少垃圾,請將⾃⼰的垃圾帶走)
2023 is the 34th anniversary of the 1989 Beijing Tiananmen Square Massacre, it is also the 4th anniversary of the Hong Kong Anti-extradition Law protest, Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement (VSSDM) will hold the commemorative Candlelight Vigil in David Lam Park in Vancouver.
Mabel Tung, Chair of VSSDM, said that the organization has been hosting the June 4 Candlelight Vigil for the past 34 years, to the disappointment of many, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been regressive in its democratization of the country. Since 1989, China’s suppression of dissidents, freedom and human rights has intensified in an alarming speed, as witnessed in its crackdown on the democracy movements of Hong Kong for the past 4 years.
The relationship between Canada and Hong Kong has always been close, 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre had triggered an influx of immigrant from the former British colony, however many have since returned. It is not until CCP’s brutal crackdown of the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law protest and the imposition of the draconian National Security Law thereafter, that they are convinced to leave Hong Kong for good. For the past two years, VSSDM has seen a dramatic increase in the number of participants of the June 4 Candlelight Vigil, with plenty of young people among them.
Considering the thousands of participants who will be crowding the sidewalks on both sides of Granville Street in front of the Chinese Consulate General, VSSDM has decided that past years’ location for the Vigil is neither feasible nor safe. This year, the organization will move the event to David Lam Park in downtown Vancouver. The spacious surroundings and pristine serenity of the Park provide an excellent venue to host an event of this scale, and the sprawling grassland resembles the Victoria Park of Hong Kong, where Hongkongers attended the June 4 Candlelight Vigil every year until it was banned in 2020.
David Lam Park also gives the opportunity for local Canadians to understand more about the 1989 June 4 Massacre; when thousands of candlelight light up the June summer sky, Canadians and Hongkongers will recreate the ineffaceable image of the sea of lights in Hong Kong Victoria Park, through each and every spark of light it shines their unyielding demand to redress the June 4 Massacre, and their utter defiance to the repressive regime of the CCP.
VSSDM has organized the following events to commemorate the 1989 June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre, it invites all who care about the democratic movement of China and the future of Hong Kong to attend.
May 27 (Saturday) Democracy Walk 民主行
2:00 pm, Granville Loop Park - Granville St. & W 5th Ave
walk along Granville St. to Chinese Consulate
May 28 (Sunday) The wreath-laying ceremony 向民主女神像獻花
10:00 am - 10:30 am Forest Lawn Cemetery 3789 Royal Oak Ave, Burnaby
12:30 pm - 1 pm UBC Goddess of Democracy (Between Brock Hall and the Nest)
June 4 (Sunday) Candlelight Vigil 燭光悼念晚會
David Lam Park, 1300 Pacific Blvd, Vancouver
4:00 pm Exhibition
6:00 pm Live Music
7:00 pm Candlelight Vigil
鑒於參加燭光晚會的人數近年劇增,中國駐溫哥華總領館前場地太過狹小。溫支聯因應形勢變化,決定把燭光晚會的場地,改為在溫哥華市中心林思齊公園(David Lam Park)舉行。公園是以已故香港移民、卑詩省首位華裔省督林思齊命名,在這裹舉辦有著特別的意義。
李美寶說,公園位處福溪(False Creek)旁,風景秀麗,場地寬廣,常用來舉辦大型活動。在這裹舉辦六四燭光晚會,相信可以重現香港維園的燭光之海,也可以向中共展示強有力的信息:平反八九民運,追究屠城責任,結束一黨專政,建設民主中國。
另外,溫支聯還將在5月27日星期六下午2時,舉行民主行,在固蘭湖街(Granville St)夾西五街街角集合,之後遊行往中國駐溫哥華總領事館。5月28日星期日,舉行向民主女神像獻花活動,上午10時在本拿比市科士蘭(Forest Lawn)墓園,以及中午十二時半在卑詩大學(UBC)舉行。
May 27 (Saturday) Democracy Walk 民主行
2:00 pm, Granville Loop Park - Granville St. & W 5th Ave
walk along Granville St. to Chinese Consulate
May 28 (Sunday) The wreath-laying ceremony 向民主女神像獻花
10:00 am - 10:30 am Forest Lawn Cemetery 3789 Royal Oak Ave, Burnaby
12:30 pm - 1 pm UBC Goddess of Democracy (Between Brock Hall and the Nest)
June 4 (Sunday) Candlelight Vigil 燭光悼念晚會
David Lam Park, 1300 Pacific Blvd, Vancouver
4:00 pm Exhibition
6:00 pm Live Music
7:00 pm Candlelight Vigil