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Liu Xiaobo Memorial Plaque Opening Ceremony​ 劉曉波紀念碑揭幕儀式

The opening ceremony was held on July 13, 2019 in front of the statue of Goddess of Democracy located at UBC. The memorial plaque is installed on the base of the statue.

揭幕儀式 在七月十三曰 , 下午二時至三時, 卑詩大學學生大樓旁民主女神像旁舉行。 紀念碑安放在女神像的台階上。

Mabel Tung, Chairman of VSSDM

Georgina Lam, Representative of VSSDM

Dr. Josephine Chiu-Duke and Mabel Tung unveiled the Liu XiaoBo Memorial Plaqueplaque
Dr. Josephine Chiu-Duke and Mabel Tung unveiled the plaque

Dr. Tom Perry ( MLA 1986 -1996 )

Freedom & Democracy  for China: Maz Zhang

Dr. Josephine Chiu-Duke


明報 ( 加西) 網報導


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