For Toronto orders, please use:
今次籌款活動是幫助在加國尋求政治庇護的手足,所籌得款項扣除成本後將會100%捐給「溫哥華支援民主運動聯合會( 溫支聯 / VSSDM )」的香港人道救援基金 - 溫哥華 (Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund - Vancouver)。
現時香港已經完全進入黑暗時代,未來事態發展相信更會令人沮喪。由2019至今,手足相繼逃亡離開香港,去到台歐美加等民主國家尋求政治庇護。他們不是一向獲得傳媒關注的抗爭「 英雄」,只是為香港未來挺身而出的凡人,但卻因此犧牲了自己的未來。現時已有多名手足來到加拿大,希望可以在自由國度重建未來。
今次籌款活動將會售賣四款Ricker Choi的抗爭運動系列畫作海報以及一款由他設計月曆:
1. Siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
2. Save the 12 HK Youth
3. The Kiss
4. Fast and Furious (2020 July 1st)
- L (24x18"): $30 CAD
- M (8x12"): $10 CAD
- 月曆: $20 CAD
*訂單截止: 11月29日
所籌得款項扣除成本後將會100%捐給「 溫支聯」(VSSDM) 的香港人道救援基金。
如有疑問可傳送Facebook 訊息至Toronto HK Network 臉書專頁:
如果需要訂購, 請按這裡訂購畫作
This fundraising event is to support HK asylum seekers in Canada. 100% of the net proceeds will be donated to Vancouver Society In Support of Democratic Movement (VSSDM)'s Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund - Vancouver.
"Ain't no hero from nowhere, but only mortal who dare"
Hong Kong has devolved into the dark ages, and the future is only going to get darker from here. From 2019 summer till now, many protesters have fled Hong Kong for refuge in democratic nations such as Taiwan, Canada, Germany, UK, USA, etc. These protesters aren't the "heroes" with media exposure, but rather they are merely "mortals" who sacrificed themselves to defend their homeland. Many of them have arrived in Canada, and looking to rebuild their life and future in this free nation.
Four painting posters and a 2021 calendar by Ricker Choi will be available for sale:
1. Siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
2. Save the 12 HK Youth
3. The Kiss
4. Fast and Furious (2020 July 1st)
- L (24x18"): $30 CAD
- M (8x12"): $10 CAD
- Calendar: $20 CAD
*Order deadline is Nov 29.
100% of the donation (net proceeds after cost) will be donated to VSSDM's Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund - Vancouver.
Regarding the details of the fund, you can visit this URL:
Please don't hesitate to reach out (direct message) to the Toronto HK Network Facebook page:
If you would like to order the poster or calendar, please click ORDER POSTERS/CALENDAR