In response to the spirits of the Declaration and International Human Rights Day, VSSDM organized a rally and march at North Plaza of Art Gallery at 12:30 pm on 8th December 2019 (Sunday). We urge international communities to strive for individuals' human rights, and stipulate laws for democracy and human rights for Hongkongers.
溫支聯於12月8日(星期日)下午12時30分,在溫哥華美術館廣場(北翼),舉行公眾 遊行 集會,以響應宣言和國際人權日精神,同時呼籲國際社會致力保障基本人權,和制定保障香港民主及人權法案。
Speakers 發言者:
Mabel Tung, VSSDM
Representative, Amnesty International, Canada
Ray Lee, Canada Tibet Committee 加拿大西藏委員會
Marcos Uribe, Van4Chile 溫哥華智利團體
Mr. Nurly , President of Vancouver Uyghur Association溫哥華維吾爾族協會
Albert Chan 陳偉業, former member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong 前 香港立法會議員.
CBC News 2019-12-07