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Photos: Canada Stand with Hong Kong 加港同行, 七城同心

A rally organized by a group of Canadians concerned about Hong Kong.


Dress code: Black, bring signs and umbrellas.


As Canadians grappling with anguish and despair from what we're witnessing in Hong Kong, we simply can not disregard such injustice. We hereby urge everyone to join us this Saturday as we speak out and stand with Hong Kong.


We will be sharing our manifesto during the event.


溫哥華 Vancouver 3/8,

3pm Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza Square - šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square

卡加里 Calgary 5/8.

溫尼辟 Winnipeg 3/8

5pm Canadian Museum for Human Rights

多倫多 Toronto 3/8

滿地可 3/8

2pm Monument à Sir George-Étienne Cartier, Parc de Mont-Royal


A rally was held in Vancouver at Art Gallery on August 3, 2019. Hundreds of people attended the event. 集會在八月三日溫哥華市中心藝術館前舉行。

Video of August 3 Rally by VSSDM:


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