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6.4 紀念六四活動視頻 Tiananmen Massacre Memorial Events Video


紀念六四活動在網上舉行, 通過Facebook和YouTube進行直播,以紀念1989年在天安門廣場遇難的數千名學生和平民,以及在過去12個月內在香港死亡示威者。

June 4 (Thursday)

Virtual Memorial Live Stream to Facebook and YouTube, to commemorate the thousands of students and civilians who died in Tiananmen Square in 1989, and protestors died during last 12 months in Hong Kong.   

明報 ( 加西) 網報導

CBC News June 4, 2020

May 31, 2020 Wreath Laying at the statue of the Goddess of Democracy to remember the thousands of students and civilians who died in Tiananmen Square in 1989


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