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溫⽀聯緊急呼喚:捐款撐⾹港 Urgent Call for Donation for Hong Kong Movement

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

⾹港情況極之險峻,眾多抗爭者和普通市民被拘捕、檢控、甚或身體遭受嚴重傷 害。⾹港政府與⾹港警察合謀嚴重破壞⾹港法治,縱容後者以極不⼈道的武⼒殘暴 和政治打壓社運⼈⼠和市民。

為數眾多的⾹港學⽣和前線抗爭者,已准備為捍衛⾹港核⼼價值作出犧牲,甚至包 括他們的性命。他們需要我們精神和實際⾏動上的⽀援,來持續這場抗爭運動。這 包括醫療、法律和其他涉及⼈道救援所需的投放。

溫⽀聯非常感謝你們過往五個⽉對運動的⽀持。我們再度感謝你們能夠繼續透過捐 款,⽀援這場史無前例的抗爭運動。你們的每分捐款極具意義和被善⽤。拯救抗爭 者,拯救⾹港。




(b) 透過加拿⼤網上銀⾏以INTERAC (轉數易)電⼦轉帳,收款電郵地址為 (免⼿續費⽤ )︔

(c) 透過⽀票付款。⽀票抬頭⼈為「VSSDM」,送交P.O. Box 60283, Fraser Retail Post Office, Vancouver, BC V5W 4B5 Canada

溫⽀聯將在GOFUNDME網⾴, 不斷更新相關捐款資訊。

Hong Kong is in a critical situation with a huge number of activists and ordinary people under arrest, prosecution, and/or seriously injured. Hong Kong government, in collusion with Hong Kong police, has seriously ruined the rule of law and encouraged the latter to exercise extremely inhuman violence and impose political repression against the activists and ordinary people.

Many students and front line activists have prepared to sacrifice their future and even their life to safeguard the core values of the city. They are in urgent need of our support, both emotionally and physically. They badly need medical, legal and other humanitarian resources to sustain the movement.

VSSDM highly appreciates your support for the movement over the past five months. We should be very grateful again if you would continue your support for the unprecedented movement through donation. Every dime you donate will be used prudently and meaningfully. Save our activists, save Hong Kong.

Your donation with a note "HK Humanitarian Fund" can be made through:-

(b) INTERAC e-Transfer to as recipient (preferable transfer method to bypass a transaction cost); or

(c) cheque or money order payable to "VSSDM", which is sent to P.O. Box 60283, Fraser Retail Post Office, Vancouver, BC V5W 4B5, Canada.

VSSDM will regularly update GOFUNDME's webpage in respect of your donation.


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